Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So I have been doing very well with the exercise; at least once a week to the gym, and at least 4 swims a week. I think that I can keep that up. It's been three weeks, and I've managed. Fridays and Saturdays are hard because there is no pool on Friday that I can get to, and Saturday is shot because of the nights rotation, and all pools are adult swim at noon. I think that I might make Friday and Saturday gym days, and take Monday's off. I can go to the gym Friday evening, and then Anytime on Saturday, so that's easy; and since I pay for a membership, I might as well use it, right?

I'm sitting at work and choosing to open with that because otherwise, I might have to just rip someone's head off, and use it to make patterns on the walls. People don't respect polite societal cues, so I sometimes just have to let loose.

Tell me; what would you do if you saw something that was clearly labelled for another purpose? Well the people that I work with seem to think it means to use it in whatever means they see fit anyways. It really gets on my nerves. So I left a scathing note that says that the next time this happens, night staff will not be making snacks for the next day anymore. It is ridiculous. I don't go and use everything that they need for their shift, so why should it be allowed in reverse?

What I really need to do is find a new job closer to home, during daylight hours. I think that this would greatly increase my already sunny disposition tenfold. I would have more time to look after me, and spend less money on gas and car to boot. Everywhere I look, I can't seem to find anything that is suitable to me. It either pays way too little, or is asking for qualifications that I don't have. I guess the key is to keep plugging away at it all, and eventually it will pay off.

Thank God I'm deciding to go for a massage soon and looking into going regularly, as well as returning to the chiropractor. I think my body would implode if I didn't :)

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