Wednesday, August 3, 2011

F@ck It

I have just about had it with work.... It is getting to the point where I am starting to feel harrassed. I work nights in a treatment home, and for the first time since we opened we have had some problems with kids being in each others rooms. The first time the kids were caught on my shift. Since then it has happened twice more, but on the afternoon shift. Even so, apparently I am being asked questions about documentation and procedure...... Not the other shifts, like when it happens most. I think its just because I am on nights, and the boss thinks I need to be doing more. I'm sorry? I already clean up after everyone, cook their fucking meals, and make sure that the kids live through the night... Not to mention having to be the photocopying bitch, menu planner and garbage cleaner because we're too fucking cheap to get proper garbage cans that keep raccoons out. Oh, and did I mention that I work full time nights? This means I give up a healthy life cycle and sleep to do it..... Well not anymore. I can't and won't take it anymore. I'm going to go and take some time off and find a new job, that I am happier with, and appreciates me and what I do, not ask stupid questions and make assumptions as to how I use the time.

Fuck this.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So I have been doing very well with the exercise; at least once a week to the gym, and at least 4 swims a week. I think that I can keep that up. It's been three weeks, and I've managed. Fridays and Saturdays are hard because there is no pool on Friday that I can get to, and Saturday is shot because of the nights rotation, and all pools are adult swim at noon. I think that I might make Friday and Saturday gym days, and take Monday's off. I can go to the gym Friday evening, and then Anytime on Saturday, so that's easy; and since I pay for a membership, I might as well use it, right?

I'm sitting at work and choosing to open with that because otherwise, I might have to just rip someone's head off, and use it to make patterns on the walls. People don't respect polite societal cues, so I sometimes just have to let loose.

Tell me; what would you do if you saw something that was clearly labelled for another purpose? Well the people that I work with seem to think it means to use it in whatever means they see fit anyways. It really gets on my nerves. So I left a scathing note that says that the next time this happens, night staff will not be making snacks for the next day anymore. It is ridiculous. I don't go and use everything that they need for their shift, so why should it be allowed in reverse?

What I really need to do is find a new job closer to home, during daylight hours. I think that this would greatly increase my already sunny disposition tenfold. I would have more time to look after me, and spend less money on gas and car to boot. Everywhere I look, I can't seem to find anything that is suitable to me. It either pays way too little, or is asking for qualifications that I don't have. I guess the key is to keep plugging away at it all, and eventually it will pay off.

Thank God I'm deciding to go for a massage soon and looking into going regularly, as well as returning to the chiropractor. I think my body would implode if I didn't :)