Monday, July 11, 2011


Ok, so for anyone who knows me, they know I am no Olympian chomping at the bit to win the gold. In reality, just watching the Olympics makes me tired. I know that I need to exercise more, eat right and quit smoking, but it really isn't that easy. I have tried diets, exercise plans, and even starvation once in college (not by choice but necessity) to no avail. But lately I have been thinking about it more and more, and I realize that I don't want my life to become a TLC special. So this time I am going into it full force. No cigarettes, more healthy food choices, and loads of exercise. Yesterday I went for a walk and a bike ride, today the gym, and tomorrow will be swimming. My friend Trish and I are going to commit to swim Tues and Thurs, and a bike ride on Sunday (with a swim being an option for poor weather or wintertime). Scott and I went to the gym today and it as good, other than my Romy & Michelle moment where I got blisters on my heels; one of which ripped and bled into my nice clean white gym shoe....... Fack!

This time I am committing to staying on track. Will I go every time for my workouts? Not likely. Will I have a cigarette? Most likely. The difference is that this time I am not going to see these things as failures, but as obstacles in the steps to becoming a new me.

Time to go get ready for work and start planning my menu for the week.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jesus and ferrets

Sometimes work makes me giggle. Jesus and ferrets came up in shift change tonight and I had a good laugh. I have decided that similar to "42", this phrase can be used as the answer to everything....

I was going to write about something else as well, but Jesus and ferrets made me laugh again, and I forgot my topic.

Peace, love, Jesus & ferrets!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What to do, what to do....

So I recently decided that it was time for some changes and began looking for work closer to home. I had an interview for a full time job and a part time job... I haven't heard back from the part time, but I did not get the full time one. I'm not sure what I want in life, but I know that what I have right now is not it. There are so many variables that I get sleepy just thinking of them.

I think that I need a vacation though it will be september at the earliest before I can do that. Until then I have a number of things that I need/want to do;

Lose weight
Quit smoking
Clean my house from top to bottom
Finish my garden
Cook more at home
Find a new job that isn't nights

Those are just at the top of the list.......where do I begin?